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Business account customers

Adding new payees and archiving old payees

To Add a Payee

  1. Sign into the Fire web app and click on the ‘Payments’ section, then the ‘Payees’ subsection.
  2. From the ‘Actions’ drop-down, select ‘Add Payee’.

  3. Enter the payee’s details and the 3 digits of your access code as required. Click ‘Add Payee’.

  4. An Approval Request will instruct you to approve the payee on your mobile app.

  5. You will receive a push notification from the Fire for Business mobile app titled ‘New Payee Approval’. Tap on the notification and log into the mobile app to approve the new payee.

Note that if you have disabled notifications from the app settings, you will not receive the push notification. However once you open the app you will see the request for approval.

To archive a Payee

  1. Click on the payee you wish to archive.

  2. From the ‘Actions’ menu, select ‘Archive Payee’.

  3. Click ‘OK’ to archive the payee.

Why do you need to approve new payees using the mobile app?

Under The Regulatory Technical Standards on Strong Customer Authentication and Common and Secure Open Standards of Communication, Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) must be used when accessing payment accounts online. As such we require account activity such as logging in or adding a new payee to be approved using the Fire for Business mobile application.

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