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Automating payouts to partners through full API integration

Logo of Goodbox, dark lettering on white background

Enabling automated disbursements to over 3000 charity partners for GoodBox.

Donating to charities with just one tap through Goodbox's contactless donation devices.

The Highlights

  • 800%reduction in manual hours
  • 25%reduction in payment errors
  • 25%increase in customer satisfaction
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GoodBox builds award-winning fundraising technology to empower nonprofits in an increasingly cashless society. They are a UK-based digital fundraising company processing millions in digital donations.

GoodBox previously handled payouts to charities manually; a time-consuming process that required significant resources and was prone to human error. With Fire’s support, they now automatically distribute funds to their partners quickly and efficiently, eliminating the need for manual reconciliation.

The challenge

GoodBox faced the discontinuation of their longstanding payout solution from their previous partner, a high-street bank. The solution they had been using for several years, while doing the job, operated manually and in a dated manner that did not meet the digital and automation standards expected of modern companies. The need for a more robust solution capable of managing their expanding payment processing needs at a higher level and larger scale arose, prompting Fire to step in.

The solution

The fundraising technology business is fully integrated with the Fire Payments API to automatically disburse funds to over 3,000 charities when bulk funds settle daily into their Fire account. Given that the company operates 10,650 contactless donation boxes in the UK & Ireland, this represents a substantial number.

After the funds arrive to the GoodBox Fire account from their card acquirer, the Fire webhook notifies them. Then the fundraising technology business uses the Fire API to submit a payment batch, specifying which charity partners to pay and the corresponding amounts. As reconciliation is done instantly, this process takes only a few seconds. After this, Fire executes the batch and transfers the payments to each charity partner’s account. Funds are processed via faster payments ensuring the best settlement times for the non-profits.

The Results

  • Reduced processing timesWith Fire's help, GoodBox’s payouts are now processed quickly and automatically, using only a fraction of the time and resources previously needed.
  • Less error-prone processBy implementing a fully digital solution, reconciliation is done automatically. This eliminates the need for the GoodBox team to upload bank reconciliation statements and perform manual transfers, reducing the risk of human error.
  • Better scalabilityBy automating payouts, GoodBox can onboard unlimited partners without relying on the limited and valuable time of colleagues to process payouts.
David White, CEO at GoodBox

"Using Fire has been a game-changer for GoodBox. By fully integrating to their API, we've streamlined our operations significantly. What used to be a manual, time-consuming process of disbursing funds to over 3,000 charities is now fully automated. The integration was smooth, and the Fire team provided great support throughout the process. The most significant benefit has been the speed of payment; our charities typically receive funds on the same day, leading to increased satisfaction among our clients. We are very pleased with the services and look forward to continued success with Fire."

David White, CEO at GoodBox

Q&A with GoodBox

  • Why did you choose Fire over other providers?

    Our complex payment disbursement model, involving varying amounts to numerous clients across multiple donation boxes, required a provider capable of handling high-volume, diverse transactions. Fire is a provider with proven experience in handling large-scale payment automation.

  • How did you find the integration process to Fire’s API?

    The integration process was very smooth. Their comprehensive documentation made it easy to navigate, and the team's prompt support whenever we encountered questions ensured a seamless implementation.

  • How has Fire helped you to better serve your customers?

    By automating fund disbursement and reconciliation, we've eliminated manual tasks, reducing errors by 25%. Our clients are delighted with the faster payment turnaround, typically receiving funds on the same day. The reduction in manual working hours allows our team to focus on more strategic initiatives.

Get in touch with our sales team today and start your digital payments experience.