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Headshot of Kelsey Fagan, Operations Analyst at Fire.

Meet Operations Analyst, Kelsey Fagan

Operations Analyst Kelsey, part of our Dublin team, shared her experience of working at Fire and what led her to pursue a career in the payments industry.

Hello Kelsey! How long have you been part of the Fire team?

I joined Fire in January 2023, so it’s been nearly two years now!

What are your job responsibilities?

I’m an Operations Analyst, so my role involves a variety of tasks; however, I mostly focus on onboarding new customers and customer support. 

What aspects of your role and being part of the operations team do you find most rewarding?

The most rewarding part of my role is helping Fire’s users resolve any issues they face, guiding them to better understand Fire’s services, along with being able to share customer feedback and contribute to positive changes that enhance their experience.

What has been the most exciting challenge you've tackled so far?

One of the most exciting challenges I’ve worked on was creating handbooks to help new joiners at Fire quickly get comfortable in their roles. It was rewarding to create a resource that supports new team members.

Can you share a bit about your background and what motivated you to join a company like Fire?

I started off in retail while studying music at BIMM, which eventually led to a role in a finance department. That experience sparked my interest in the payments industry, and it motivated me to apply for the Operations Analyst role at Fire. 

Describe the company culture at Fire in three words!

Innovative, welcoming, supportive.  

What do you enjoy most about being in the payments industry?

I like that it’s always changing, and there’s always something new and exciting in the works.  

What do you enjoy doing in your free time outside of work?

Outside of work, I love taking my dog on new adventures and hikes. I also enjoy experimenting in the kitchen and trying out new recipes whenever I have the chance. 

Do you have any unique skills or strange fears?

I have a degree in Commercial Modern Music with a specialisation in songwriting, so my unusual skill would be writing songs