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Headshot of Dylan Lyon, Operations Analyst at Fire

Meet Operations Analyst, Dylan Lyon

Dylan, Operations Analyst on our Dublin team, shared his experience of working at Fire and what led him to pursue a career in the payments industry.

Hi Dylan! How long have you been with Fire?

I joined Fire in October 2021, so I am celebrating my three-year anniversary.

What does your role entail?

I work as part of the Treasury and Operational Compliance Team. This role involves payment processing and ensuring that we process all payments fully and on time.

What do you find to be the most rewarding aspect of your role as an Operations Analyst?

One of the most rewarding aspects of my job is the opportunity to interact with customers. I enjoy the challenge of understanding their needs and improving their experiences.

What has been the most engaging challenge you’ve tackled so far?

One of my biggest challenges has been creating a procedure for how the Fire operations team will handle and report Authorised Push Payment fraud cases. It’s complex due to the evolving nature of APP scams, but it’s rewarding to develop strategies that protect customers and enhance our operations.


Can you share your background and what motivated you to join a company like Fire?

My background is in general business, and I completed an internship at the business a few years ago while I was in college. I had a great experience during my internship, so it made perfect sense to return and continue my career here.

Summarise the Fire company culture in three words!

Trusting, engaging, motivating.

What do you enjoy most about working in the payments industry?

I enjoy working in the payment industry because it’s fascinating to be part of something that everyone uses daily, often without realising what is happening behind the scenes.

What do you enjoy doing in your spare time outside of work?

I’m a huge football fan, so I spend a lot of my time watching matches, listening to podcasts, or reading articles on any football-related news.

Do you have any unique or quirky skills or phobias?

I guess one of mine would be mapping out cities in my head. I enjoy the challenge of orienting myself without relying on maps or GPS. It’s a fun and practical ability that often surprises others!