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Mihai Ivanus, Customer Success Executive at Fire

Meet Customer Success Executive, Mihai Ivanus

We sat down with Mihai, Customer Success Executive on our London team, to learn about his experience at Fire and what drew him to the industry.

Hello Mihai! How long have you been a part of the Fire team?

I joined the Fire team in July 2023, so I’ve been here for over a year.

What does your role involve?

Mainly account management of our client base and ensuring that everyone is getting a great experience. It’s a nice mixture of data analysis, client communication, sales and project management.

What do you find most fulfilling about your role in Customer Success?

The opportunity to collaborate with diverse and inspiring stakeholders, both internally and externally.

What has been the most exciting challenge you've tackled so far?

Integrating the new Customer Success function with the other teams when it comes to day-to-day responsibilities. We’ve made great improvements to the overall process and it’s rewarding to see it take shape.

Tell us about your background! What drew you to Fire and this role?

Tech, sales, start-ups. I was attracted to Fire as it has a great and unique product that adds value to businesses. Being passionate about what the company does is important to me. 

Describe the company culture in three words.

Support. Trust. Dedication.

What do you like the most about the payments sector?

That the industry is rapidly evolving through digitisation. This presents unique opportunities and challenges. Being at the forefront of this movement is a great learning experience. 

What are your hobbies and interests outside of work?

I read books (physical copies only!), spend time with my cats, travel and play videogames.

Do you have any hidden talents or unusual hobbies?

I can recognise songs I’ve heard before from the first 1-2 seconds – sometimes this might mean 1 or 2 notes only.